Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome

    • How to Take this Course

    • Getting Started

  • 2

    Introduction & Definitions

    • Key Phrases & Definitions

    • Practice: The Body Scan

    • Process & FAQ On Journaling

  • 3

    Module 1 - Foundations of Emotional Mastery

    • Module 1 Training Video

    • Module 1 Practice: Body Scan

    • Module 1 Journal Prompts

    • Feelings Inventory PDF

  • 4

    Module 2 - Emotional Mindset

    • Module 2 Training Video

    • Module 2 Practice: Embodied Shaking

    • Module 2 Journal Prompts

  • 5

    Module 3 - Strategies, Wounds, and Authenticity

    • Module 3 Training Video

    • Module 3 Practice: Presencing Through the Senses

    • Module 3 Journal Prompts

  • 6

    Module 4 - Connecting Your Mind & Body and Creating Positive Feedback Loops

    • Module 4 Training Video

    • Module 4 Intro to The Practice (Watch Before Doing the Practice)

    • Module 4 Practice: Embodied Yes or No

    • Module 4 Journal Prompts

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    • Integration

  • 8

    Module 5 - Your Inner Wise Person

    • Module 5 Training Video

    • Module 5 Practice: Parts Visualization

    • Module 5 Journal Prompts

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    Module 6 - Unmet Needs & Big Feelings

    • Module 6 Training Video

    • Module 6 Practice

    • Cheat Sheet: Needs Inventory

    • Module 6 Journal Prompts

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    Module 7 - Celebration

    • Module 7 Training Video

    • Module 7 Practice: Feeling Joy

    • Module 7 Journal Prompts

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    • Integration

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    Module 8 - Re-writing Our Stories & Gathering Evidence of Possibility

    • Module 8 Training Video

    • Module 8 Practice

    • Module 8 Journal Prompts

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    Module 9 - Deciding

    • Module 9 Training Video

    • Module 9 Practice: Embodying Ritual

    • Module 9 Journal Prompts

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    Module 10 - Building Emotional Cardio Muscles

    • Module 10 Training Video

    • Module 10 Journal Prompts

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    Bonus Content

    • Fear Journaling Video

    • Fear Journaling Workbook

    • Emotional Release: Guest Sara Chizek

    • Emotional Release: Anger

    • Five Doors Visualization

    • Emotional Release: Joy